BP 128/70
I have a Sunday alone so I decide to do some work on my values.
Here’s what mine seem to be:
I did some online tests to be certain. Obviously online values tests will be accurate, but they seem to be in my case.
But I always ask if these answers are based on now or on the knowledge you think you have of yourself, you know? We get stuck in a loop, maybe? But I’ll go with these.
Then there are some questions we went through in group:
What have been my peak experiences?
- Traveling to the US to study
- Making beautiful thing like embroidered toys and beaded jewellery
- Writing in French phonetics – I actually got a thrill doing this
- Going to great concerts and gigs – big and small – Muse in Prague, Radiohead at the Hollywood Bowl, Peaches at Big Day Out, Clare Bowditch at the Builders, Courtney Barnett at RRR
- Hearing new music for the first time and feeling completely overwhelmed – this happened the first time I heard Sia’s Breathe Me, and Courtney Barnett’s Depreston.
- Publishing my books – This feels like it *should* be here but I’m not 100% sure. I know that writing them were peak experiences.
The values I was honouring around these peak times:
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Knowledge
- Independence
- Freedom
Suppressed Values – When have I been angry or upset – then flip it to reveal what value was suppressed.
- Growth of the business with so many staff
- Suppressed value – independence
- Relying on others to make something happen – like walking the dogs, having fun while travelling (this seems obscure, but, you know…) – because I feel like I won’t do it without them. Like when your gym buddy can’t go and you’re disappointed and won’t go either, like it’s their fault.
- Suppressed values – curiosity, independence, freedom, joy
- When someone has a belief that is so completely against mine, but it feels to me that they don’t have a real reason to feel the way they do, as if I feel it’s just a trend.
- Suppressed Values – Curiosity, freedom, independence
- My inability to make goals or stick to plans or remember things, or maintain a diary/planner
- Suppressed values – Curiosity, creativity, knowledge
- Whenever I’m complimented (or my mother tells me that I’m “the best” anything).
- Suppressed value – I thought it was Independence but now I’ wondering if it’s not just curiosity or some sort of false humility. I’m just not sure why.
- Not finishing things – DipEd, Photography Cert, Canine Myotherapy Cert, etc etc
- Suppressed values – Knowledge, curiosity, excitement, freedom, creativity
Code of Conduct – what’s most important in my life?
Creative self expression, which is the wanky way of saying: Knowledge and its creative communication.
I get really angry at friends or anyone who doesn’t want to try something new or interesting because I feel they’re missing out and I want them to have excellent experiences too.
I remember this one time when Jeff took our neighbour’s kids to the Show and I begged them to go on the scariest rides even if they were too frightened to. I virtually had a fight with these kids about it. Jeff told me later that he explained to them why I was so angry with them when they told me they wouldn’t go on the scary rides. He told them: Jo just wants you to experience everything, even if it’s scary, just to know what it’s like.
This, I think, is the value that’s missing for me right now.