December 11 – 11 Things
What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?(Author: Sam Davidson)
1. Bad eating habits – oh my god, am I over eating things I don’t need then feeling sick and guilty. I wish I knew how to eliminate this, but I don’t.
2. Career change plans – every few weeks, I come up with a new plan to change my life and become a:
- potter
- lomographer
- life coach
- trainer
- property developer
- etsy crafter
- blahblahblah
Then, just last week I realised something: I have a pretty good career in publishing, and I’ve been in the industry for 13 years, 24 if I could my first writing job at the Deakin Uni student paper. And I know a thing or two about it. So between this and writing, I think I’m pretty set. One down!
3. Judgement – I’ve lost friends because of this delightful personality trait. It goes something like this: “Really? That’s not how I…” How do I let it go? Repeat after me: People are different, we all have different experiences and agendas that inform our lives.
4. My mother – well, I do need her, but I don’t need her shit (what am I, fifteen?) Can’t change her, don’t know if I can change my reactions to her, but I can keep my distance a little. I see her far too often. That’s all I can do right now until the new therapist kicks in.
5. Smoking – whether I’m doing it or thinking of doing it, and there’s only one way to eliminate this and that’s by just not doing it.
6. Manic consumption – a new lampshade, flat black shoes, cardie, piano, plants, sheets, quilt covers, hooks, craft materials, wool… Buying cheap shit and shit I don’t need makes me angry. I’ve got enough shopping regrets so, ENOUGH ALREADY. Here’s an idea – cash only. I know, right? I’ve been paying cash for most things for the past few months and it’s been a blast. I like it.
7. More weight– see number 1. Whether it’s Weight Watchers, low carb, no diet, low fat, no meat, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Geneen Roth – it’s all ended with weight loss followed by weight gain. Why can’t I stick to healthy habits? Is food as addictive as cigarettes? As with number 1, I don’t know what to do with this one.
That’s it right now. If I think of anything else, I’ll add to the list but I’m feeling bummed about all this crap so I’m moving on to the next Reverb.
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